Incident Response Plan
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Incident Response Plan
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Over deze opleiding
Throughout the four sessions, participants will gain insights into understanding cyber threats, identifying vulnerabilities, creating response strategies, and executing incident response plans.
Practical exercises, case studies, and discussions will be used to reinforce learning and facilitate the development of a customized incident response plan tailored to participants' organizational needs.
Voor wie
- IT professionals
- IT managers
- security officers/professionals/manages
- people involved in business continuity and crisis management
- major incident managers
- incident handlers
1. Session 1 - Understanding cyber threats and incident response basics:
a) Introduction to a cybersecurity incident - Interactive walkthrough of a real ransomware incident
b) Types of cyber threats and attacks
c) Incident response lifecycle overview
d) Key components of an incident response plan
e) Organisational threat modeling – identify what matters most
f) Exercise: Identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities for Cyber-Ale - a price-winning brewery
2. Session 2 - Planning and preparation:
a) Risk assessment and prioritization
b) The difference between IT and OT (Operational Technology) explained
c) The impact of a cyber incident on OT
d) Establishing incident response team roles and responsibilities
e) Developing communication and notification procedures
f) Creating an incident response policy and procedures documentation
g) Exercise: Drafting an initial high-level incident response plan for your own organisation and present it to the group
3. Session 3 - Response and mitigation in practice:
a) Incident triage and classification
b) Containment strategies and techniques
c) Evidence collection and preservation
d) Legal and regulatory considerations
e) Exercise: Creating playbooks for some common response cases
4. Session 4 - Testing, review, and continuous improvement:
a) Importance of testing and exercising the incident response plan
b) Leveraging tabletop exercises and red teaming to strenghten your incident response plan
c) Incident response plan review and update process
d) Continuous improvement strategies
e) Exercise: Doing a tabletop simulation exercise to evaluate your incident response plan
f) Closing Recap of key learnings
Participants will leave the course with a comprehensive understanding of cyber incident response principles and a draft or improved incident response plan ready for implementation within their organizations.
Thema: Digitalisering - CybersecurityDe kmo-portefeuille is een subsidie van de Vlaamse Overheid waardoor je tot 30% van je inschrijvingsgeld kan recupereren. Lees hier hoe de KMO-portefeuille in zijn werk gaat.
Netto verschuldigd bedrag voor:
* middelgrote ondernemingen
** kleine ondernemingen
Practical info:
The training is in English.
BYOD: Bring Your Own Device
course data:
2 days 9-16 h.
Locatie: PXL-NeXT - Campus Corda (building 1, first floor), Kempische Steenweg 293/16, 3500 Hasselt.
There will be coffee, tea, water and sandwich lunch.
Wim Guldentops
business developer IT
g| +32 (0) 476 57 04 92
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